James Paine, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Analytics and Operations Management
Bucknell University, Freeman College of Management


Hello, I'm James Paine (he/him/his). I am an Assistant Professor in the Analytics and Operations Management department at the Freeman College of Management at Bucknell University 

I received my doctorate from the Sloan School of Management at MIT in the System Dynamics Group, where I also maintain a Research Affiliation.

My research interests include Behavioral Operations Management, Resource Management in Multi-Audience settings, Dynamic Modeling, Compartmental Differential Equation Modeling, Supply Chain Research, Business Analytics, and Human-Algorithm Interactions in Operations.

Prior to returning to academia, my industry background included working on nuclear reactors, teaching introductory Lean Six Sigma, and most recently, CPG product lifecycle management. While these may seem like disparate fields, my interests have always been about the intersection of data and decision making. I love finding connections in data and helping others see the beauty in complex systems.

I am passionate about combining my research acumen with my professional experience in the nuclear, reverse logistics, and consumer apparel industries to both enrich the classroom and develop cutting-edge research.

I love to read. Curious about what's on my bookshelf right now? Here's my office library (feel free to reach out if you want to borrow a book or two or ten!):
